Questions and negatives in the English language

In the English language, questions are sentences that seek information, clarification, or confirmation. They typically begin with question words (interrogative pronouns) such as “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” and “how,” or they may use auxiliary verbs to invert the subject and the main verb. Questions often end with a question mark (?).

Here are some examples of questions:

  1. What is your name?
  2. Where are you going?
  3. When did you arrive?
  4. Why did she leave early?
  5. How do you solve this problem?

Negatives, on the other hand, are sentences that express the absence or denial of something. They are usually formed using negative words like “not,” “no,” “never,” “neither,” “nor,” “none,” “nobody,” etc., along with auxiliary verbs or the main verb, depending on the sentence structure. Like questions, negative sentences also end with a period (full stop) in most cases.

Here are some examples of negative sentences:

  1. I do not like coffee.
  2. She has never been to Europe.
  3. They didn’t study for the exam.
  4. He won’t come to the party.
  5. There is no milk left in the fridge.

Sometimes, questions and negatives can be combined in the same sentence, forming negative questions. In this case, the negative word and the question word are used together to seek confirmation or information while expressing negation. Negative questions typically end with a question mark.

Examples of negative questions:

  1. Haven’t you seen that movie?
  2. Aren’t you coming to the meeting?
  3. Hasn’t he finished his homework yet?
  4. Isn’t she feeling well today?
  5. Didn’t they tell you about the changes?

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